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About K&M Technology Group

Founded in 1988, K&M is a full-service consultancy focused on helping clients design and execute complex wells.

About K&M Technology Group

K+M Technology Group is based in Houston, Texas with operations worldwide. K+M was founded in 1988 by Mike Mims who had extensive experience providing engineering consulting support to companies drilling offshore. While working in Australia, Mike partnered with Tony Krepp to create solutions for extended reach drilling – solutions that continue to evolve and expand today. In addition to engineering consulting, K+M’s technical services have continued to grow, and now include software development, training programs, well site surveillance services, and technical services.

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A Brief History


K&M was created when founder Mike Mims became involved in the development of leading-edge technologies for Unocal in California


Initial development of TAD (Torque & Drag) software


Mike Mims meets Tony Krepp working on projects in Australia


First edition of the Extended Reach Textbook published in addition to offering K&M’s flagship HERDIT training course.


Mike Mims meets Tony Krepp working on projects in Australia


Execution of the first ERD well at ExxonMobil SYU (Sacate-01)


Delivery of Hibernia B-16 36, longest well offshore Canada


Delivery (planning, training, wellsite supervision) of Chayvo Z6 and Z4 – the first two ExxonMobil ERD wells on Sakhalin Island


Delivery of Petronius A20 and A9, longest ERD wells in North America


Delivery of Gullfaks A-32 C, longest well in Statoil history, 2nd longest well in Norway


Delivery of the Pohokura ERD campaign, longest wells in New Zealand


Part of the technical team planning BP’s Liberty uERD Project in Alaska.


Delivery of BD-04A, longest well in the world at the time


SLB acquisition


ADNOC Upper Zakum ERD Feasibility Study, Abu Dhabi UAE


Execution of ADNOC Upper Zakum ERD Campaign with MRC-1 Wellsite Support


Initial Involvement in LUKOIL Korchagina ERD Campaign, Russian Caspian Sea


Execution of Eni Alaska’s Nikaitchuq shallow ERD program


Development of ERA (Extended Reach Architecture)


Planning for Chevron Congo River Crossing offshore pipeline crossing project, Angola


Successfully completed longest P-108, longest well on LUKOIL Korchagina platform


ERA commercialization


Delivered Chevron Congo River Crossing well using two offshore rigs, Offshore Angola


Addition of WellDefined to K&M portfolio (Wellbore Surveying Management, Anti-Collision & Relief Well Services)


Well Relief, Intersection, and Ranging Service


Commercial Release of ERA Live

Consulting Services

K&M leads the industry in providing training, technical support, geomechanics, and operational support services for all types of complex wells, including extended reach, horizontal, deep water, and more. As an independent consulting group, we pride ourselves on providing unbiased advice, regardless of our client.

K&M uses a total systems approach to problem solving, considering all the major challenges and constraints before formulating workable solutions. By combining a premium analysis and ERD well planning capability with a comprehensive training portfolio and wellsite support service, K&M can provide assistance in well construction from spud to completion installation, helping operators to reduce risk and improve operational efficiency. This unique combination of approach and wellsite service has proven effective in repeatedly achieving beneficial results for our clients.

While K&M is often involved in world-record breaking wells, we frequently help clients whose challenges are primarily centered around making the most of the available rig’s equipment to deliver challenging wells in a cost-effective manner.

Innovative Technical Designs
Field-proven innovations from procedures and techniques, to software.
A Dedicated Team
Highly-trained specialists and experienced advisors.
Custom Designed Trainings
Fit-for-purpose courses designed to the client’s operations.
Cutting Edge Technology
Leading the way in the complex world of extended reach and horizontal.
Effective Solutions for Difficult Projects
A total systems approach to problem solving.
Workplace Safety
Health and safety are our primary objectives on every job.
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Awards and Certificates

K&M Technology Group’s accomplishments in the extended reach field have been chronicled on numerous fronts, such as winning the prestigious Australian Institute of Engineers Engineering Excellence Award for accomplishments in the field of extended reach drilling and with numerous worldwide patents and publications.

Australian Engineering Excellence Awards
Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
APEGA Permit Holder


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